Soft Skill 1 Exam Notes Part 1of5

Process and Barriers of Communication 

Definition of Communication:

Communication is the act of exchanging information and ideas through verbal, written, or non-verbal means. It is a process of transmitting information, ideas, thoughts, emotions, and attitudes between individuals, groups, and organizations. Communication is essential for any type of relationship, whether it is personal, professional, or social.

Communicating Ideas to Reach Success: An Office Meeting

Seven elements of communication process:

The seven elements of communication process are:

  1. Sender – The person or entity that is sending the message.
  2. Encoding – The process of converting information or ideas into a form that can be transmitted.
  3. Message – The content of the communication, which can include facts, opinions, instructions, questions, or requests.
  4. Communication Channel – The medium used to transmit the message, such as spoken words, telephone, email, text, or other types of digital media.
  5. Receiver – The person or entity that is receiving the message.
  6. Decoding – The process of deciphering the message, which includes understanding the context and interpreting the content.
  7. Feedback – The response from the receiver, which can be verbal, non-verbal, or a combination of both. Feedback helps to clarify the message and can improve the communication process.

7C’s of communication:

  1. Clear: The sender should ensure that the message is clear and easily understood by the receiver.
  2. Correct: The sender should provide accurate information and data in order to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.
  3. Complete: The sender should provide all the necessary information and data in order to make sure that the receiver understands the full context of the message.
  4. Concrete: The sender should provide specific details and examples in order to make sure that the receiver understands the message.
  5. Concise: The sender should be brief and to the point in order to avoid confusion and save time.
  6. Consideration: The sender should take into consideration the receiver’s background, culture, and beliefs when sending the message.
  7. Courteous: The sender should be polite and respectful when sending the message.

Barriers of communication:

  1. Physical Barriers: Physical barriers such as noise, distance, or poor infrastructure can hinder communication.
  2. Cultural Barriers: Different cultures can have different ways of expressing themselves and understanding messages.
  3. Language Barriers: Language barriers can prevent people from understanding each other if they don’t share a common language.
  4. Emotional Barriers: Emotional barriers such as fear, anger, or mistrust can prevent effective communication.
  5. Psychological Barriers: Psychological barriers such as stress, fatigue, or lack of confidence can prevent effective communication.
  6. Information Overload: Too much information at once can overwhelm the receiver and prevent the message from being understood.
  7. Technology Barriers: Technology can cause communication to be interrupted or inaccurate if it is not used correctly.

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